Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
In obedience to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20), we are a missionary-sending church. We support our foreign and domestic missionaries through both prayer and material resources. Those who depend on us for their support are likewise a great blessing to us.
Recent correspondence from our missionaries is posted on the missionary bulletin board which is located on the hallway wall as you enter the fellowship building. Please take a moment and visit that location for the latest information about their work.
Eack week, one of our missionaries is highlighted in the bulletin as the prayer focus for the week.
Recent correspondence from our missionaries is posted on the missionary bulletin board which is located on the hallway wall as you enter the fellowship building. Please take a moment and visit that location for the latest information about their work.
Eack week, one of our missionaries is highlighted in the bulletin as the prayer focus for the week.

The pictures above are from Rock Baptist Church in Uganda.
Active Missionaries
David & Danora Bachmann
Serving in: Brazil with Avant Ministries

Child Evangelism Fellowship - Sandhills Chapter
Director: Bill Jones
Serving in: Fayetteville, North Carolina
Serving in: Fayetteville, North Carolina

Joseph Keeya, Maxwell Odongo, and George Amella
Serving In: Uganda as Seminary Students

Mark & Maria Walker
Serving in: Europe with European Baptist Fellowship
Behala Human Care Mission
Director: Anjan Singh
Serving In: Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Serving In: Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Julius Odungo
Serving in: Tororo Uganda as Senior Pastor at Rock Baptist Church

Operation Blessing: Financial Benevolence
Serving In: Fayetteville, North Carolina

Youth for Christ
Interm Director: Harper Shackelford
Serving In: Fayetteville, North Carolina
Serving In: Fayetteville, North Carolina